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The following is a link to an edited sample speaking engagement by Bishop Daniel Clay, which includes the Question & Answer format preferred by the Bishop in order to better fulfill the needs of the individual asking the question. Answers are followed by teachings relevant to the entire audience.  However, as Bishop Daniel Clay speaks according to the needs of those present, all of his presentations are different.

Current speakings will include Teachings of Love & Wisdom, as well as meditative work and Initiation for those who ask and are ready to receive such. 

Initiation is the willful and deliberate transferal of a specific consciousness from one person to another.

Listen to one of Bishop Daniel Clay's events.


All major world Faiths have their mystics. A mystic is someone who seeks union with the Divine.

The Order of the Mystical Rose is an apostolic order of mystics.

Throughout history man has heard, "the end of the world is upon us!" Such was the case prior to the Christ, at the time of the Christ and now with the end of the Mayan calendar on December 21, 2012. Yet, we are still here and the end of the world has not occurred.

No one, no prophet, no angel, no archangel, no power, knows when the end of the world will be. But we do know the world was created, and the moon and the stars, and the sun were set in their courses to rule the seasons and the times, the ages and the epochs. And we know that various stages of spiritual growth have been realized through the advancement of humanity as part of the Divine Plan and that such has been marked by the Sacred Astrology, the cosmic clock set in place by the Divine, which marks the Astrological Ages.

It is unfortunate that fanatics and charlatans teach foolish things and proclaim with relative frequency the end of the world. And it is sad that so many people seem to be willingly duped by such teachings , thus obscuring the true and important teachings of various mystics and sages. The Mayan calendar did not teach that the end of the world was coming. It taught there would be an evolutionary change of consciousness , a turning of an era of consciousness. And the end of one era of consciousness automatically means the beginning of another era of consciousness. Indeed, the Mayans taught that this date the end of their calendar—represented a time when a new spirituality would be taught. It represented a time of revival and renewal of spiritual teachings throughout the land. The Shakers prophesied the same awakening for America , saying that , when they could be counted on the hand of a babe , there would be a revival throughout the land.

Taking into consideration that each era must end and a new era begin, there are many epochs through which mankind has traveled and will continue to travel, thus spirituality advances collectively. Just as each individual advances, so too do societies advance and grow, so too does all of humanity grow in faith, in understanding, in science, in development of social structure, and in spiritual understanding and philosophy.

There was that which we refer to as Eden , the realm of the physical and the spiritual represented in Sacred Astrology as Gemini or the Twin Worlds. This Antediluvian World was ushered out by Noah, who established the Age represented by Taurus which lasted until the Israel 's bondage in Egypt . This Epoch was symbolically ended when Moses , after receiving the Commandments, ground into powder the bull of Taurus, i.e. the golden calf that Aaron had made. This marked the beginning of the Jewish Dispensation of Law and Sacrifice represented by Aries, the sacrificial ram. Jesus ushered in the Age of Grace represented by Pisces ; thus the sign of the Fish became a symbol of the early Church.

There is always resistance to the change from one Epoch to another because there are always various vested interests in maintaining the status quo. This unwillingness to change leads to hardship, suffering, upheaval and destruction, which can be clearly seen from the historical events of each changing Era. For example, in the story of the fall of mankind, and hence the Earth and all of creation, from Daath to Malkuth, an angel was placed at the gate of Eden to prevent man's return to the past. The flood of Noah washed away the Antediluvian world, so there was no way to go back to what existed before the flood. The Israelites, after being freed from Egypt, wanted to return to parts of their past and even made a golden calf in a vain attempt to hold on to the former era. But just as the angel guarded the gate of Eden , the Red Sea closed behind the Israelites, so there was no turning back. As the Age of Aries was ending and the Age of Grace was being established, the sacrificial temple in Jerusalem was destroyed.

Two thousand years have passed since Jesus Christ ushered in a time of great spirituality, a new era of consciousness, the consciousness of "Active Outgoing Love, i.e. Grace." And now we usher in the time of Love and Wisdom, a time when Compassion and Understanding work hand-in-hand, a time when Love is to be at-one with Wisdom. The Age of Grace closes and the Era of Science is upon us with all that is occurring in electronics and computers, within the research of the human genome and genetics, with all that is occurring in physics and quantum physics, and mechanics and engineering. And the Era of Science must be ruled by Wisdom and Love. The two must be brought together and used as one to benefit mankind, so philosophy, religion and science are no longer at odds but become one.

But, as we transition from one Era to usher in the era of Love and Wisdom, such is not without its own destruction. This can be seen from the current ongoing revolutions and wars on a worldwide scale as governments try to hold on to the status quo and mankind collectively moves to a new Era of consciousness. Indeed, it is never possible to turn back once an Age changes!

Mankind is in a time of change, a time of upheaval , and a time of spiritual growth. Mankind is at the beginning of a new Epoch in history, "the Era of Love and Wisdom."

The OMR welcomes the "Age of Love and Wisdom." It aids those people who seek union with God. The OMR trains mystics. The OMR combines religion and science to teach members to become one with themselves and the Will of God. Thus, the OMR teaches holy and scientific techniques of prayer and meditation, enabling members to live to their fullest life potential.

2013 will be an exciting year for members of the Order of the Mystical Rose. Bishop Daniel Clay shall be giving lectures and seminars on various topics.


Listen to one of Bishop Daniel Clay's events.


For information contact us at FSchreuder@OrderOfTheMysticalRose.org.


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