Learn more about the Order of the Mystical Rose.

Clergy & Religious Knights & Dames

Clergy & Religious

We wish to make it clear that the OMR seldom incardinates clergy. Qualified applicants may be and probably will be denied incardination. However, if an applicant desires to pursue incardination with the OMR, this person must go through the Formation process within the OMR. All of our existing clergy have been through this Formation process.

To apply for membership as religious (i.e. a recognized brother or sister) of the OMR the following is required:

The OMR requires a police check, FBI background investigation, or both. And the OMR reserves the right for any reason or no reason to refuse an application.

The OMR respects and values seminary training, but such cannot be substituted for the Formation required for OMR clergy. We have our own specific process of Formation within the Order of the Mystical Rose.

If an individual seeking ordination is accepted into the Formation Program of the OMR when the Formation Program has been completed he may be chosen as a candidate for ordination. If he is not chosen as a candidate he may request to be considered for ordination. Those who will be ordained are chosen at the discretion of the Board of Directors and the Presiding Bishop from the eligible brothers of the OMR.

In case of any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at FSchreuder@OrderOfTheMysticalRose.org.



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